Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Change Email Password on iPhone

  When you change the password that you use to log into our computers, you may notice that your Betenbough email account stops working on your phone. That is because your phone doesn't know your new password, and it is still trying to connect using your old password. To get it working again, you just need to tell your iPhone what your new password is. Here is how to do that:

 1. Tap the Settings icon

2. Tap the "Mail, Contacts, Calenders" option

3. Tap the email account "Exchange"

4. Tap "Account"

5. Tap "Password" and delete old password and enter your new updated password (This is the same password that you use to log on into the system)

6. After you entered your new password tap "Done" it is important that you press "Done" or it will not save your new password.

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